Drug/Narcotics crimes

Strong Legal Defense for Drug Crimes Charges Attorney in Miami


These particular types of crimes often involve a myriad of issues. The police investigating these types of crimes might use so-called “confidential informants”- who are nothing more than convicted felons and/or those currently facing charges for the same types of offenses.

Adding to the dilemma, is the fact that the police themselves at times might even engage in what is known as “entrapment”, whereby they actually try to entice an average individual in violating the law (ex. by buying, possessing or selling the drugs or narcotics at issue). And at times, further adding to the mix of issues already present, is the fact that the police might engage in what arguably could amount, depending on the circumstances, as unreasonable searches and seizures, which in-and-of-itself might be a violation of one’s constitutional rights. Of course, many more issues can arise with this particular type of cases.


We go to you, if you cannot come to us! Call Us Today For A Free Consultation!
(305) 774-9790

Attorney Carl Palomino handles drugs and narcotics cases. Attorney Carl Palomino is skilled in defending those accused of crimes involving drugs and narcotics.


Lets’s discuss the potential of your truck accident or any other case. Schedule your free consultation now or call us at (305) 774-9790. We also offer virtual and phone consultations.

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