Theft crimes

The toughest theft crimes law firm in Miami.

Theft crimes

In the State of Florida, theft crimes vary considerably regarding the severity of legal consequences and charges. The general crime of theft is governed by Florida Statute § 812.014.

This statute details the elements of the crime of theft and sets a number of threshold values for determining the type of theft offense committed with each case. Theft offenses differ based on the value of the stolen items as well as the manner in which the items were taken.

Whether charged with the lower form of theft or a serious felony violation, every defendant facing a theft charge should hire an experienced attorney. If you have been charged with theft crimes in Florida, contact a criminal defense attorney with The Law Office of Silverman, Mack & Associates to discuss your case. Our attorneys can defend defendants who are accused of civil and criminal theft charges. We specialize in the criminal law practice area and can help protect your rights with any type of theft case. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.

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(305) 774-9790


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