Debtor’s Defense

Debtor's Defense: Your Rights and Options. Stop Debt Collection Harassment

DEBTOR’S DEFENSE People get sued all the time. So, an individual or entity is suing you because they claim you owe them something because of some triggering event- such as a breach of contract. We can help you.

Defendants, including those that might owe money- say on a credit card, loan or other monetary commitment, have plenty of defenses to assert under the law. You can, and should mount an aggressive defense, as the law allows for under the circumstances.

Believe it or not, under some circumstances, you might even be able to get out from underneath of your debt or legal obligation. You should always avoid merely taking a default or other judgment against you without putting up a fight. The Law Offices of Carl Palomino, P.A. has successfully represented a number of debtors and others who have been sued irrespective of the reason(s) for the lawsuit. We can help you. Do not delay in contacting us so we can start fighting for you.

We go to you, if you cannot come to us! Call Us Today For A Free Consultation!
(305) 774-9790


Lets’s discuss the potential of your truck accident or any other case. Schedule your free consultation now or call us at (305) 774-9790. We also offer virtual and phone consultations.

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