Bicycle Accidents


Bicycle accidents tend to happen these days with more frequency. We hear about it in the news. And sadly, bicyclist fatalities continue to rise. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more bicyclists were killed in 2018 than in any year since 1990.

Bicycles are small, and relatively slow in comparison with all the other vehicles around them- such as cars, trucks and motorcycles. Unfortunately, motorists are not always on the lookout of bicyclists. Motorists sometimes drive too fast, often change lanes, drive distracted or engage in other risky or unsafe driving practices—all leading to the potential of colliding with a bicyclist.

The potential for catastrophic personal injuries and substantial property damages are always present with bicycle accidents. Bicycles are no match for a collision with a motor-vehicle of any sort.

You are seriously and permanently hurt. You cannot work, and may not be able to do so for a long time, if at all. Your financial situation will deteriorate, without a doubt, and your damages will only compound with the passage of time. Your future and your family’s might seem bleak.

There is no need for despair or defeat. We are the attorneys you want to meet. We will aggressively fight to get you compensated for all your damages. We will see to it that you get the compensated for all your property damages; compensation for all needed medical care and treatment- to assure you fully recover as best as medically possible; compensation for all your other bills paid; and, just as important, get you all the compensation you are entitled to under the law for all your other damages.

Even if you feel you may have had something to do with the accident, we can still get you compensated. Florida is a “comparative negligence” State. It does not matter if you are not 100% free from some culpability or fault for causing the accident or contributing to it. We will fight hard to get you compensated, regardless.

We also believe that no accident case is too small, or insignificant. Any injury is significant. If for no other reason, it creates a pre-existing condition that might well impact you and/or your loved ones in the future. We can get you compensated for any injury- no matter what part of the body is affected- whether your head; neck; spine or back; shoulders; arms; hands; hip; legs; feet; or any other area or part of the body. We can also get you compensated for any non-physical harm too, such as psychological trauma and emotional distress.

Our experience dates back to 1989. We handle all cases from start-to-finish, all the way to jury trial, if need be. And should the results be unjust, unfair or plain wrong, we can even assist you in taking an appeal to a higher court.

Rest assured that your case will be given the utmost attention it deserves. Attorney Carl Palomino is not a TV personality, a face on a billboard, or a voice over a radio ad. You will get to personally meet him, and he will be the one personally handling your case every step of the way- until it has been fully resolved. Your case will never be handled by someone other than Mr. Palomino. Far too often, clients retain an attorney and are instead handed to someone else they have never met- such as an inexperience attorney, or worse, someone else who is not even a licensed Florida Bar attorney, such as some office assistant/clerk.

We are bilingual and are available to assist you with your accident case 24/7, including nights, weekends and even holidays. Unlike other attorneys, all our clients get our business cellular number, for after-hours and emergency use. We strive to make ourselves available to our clients to reassure them there is no need for despair or defeat, we are the attorneys they want to meet.

We go to you, if you cannot come to us! Call Us Today For A Free Consultation!
(305) 774-9790


Lets’s discuss the potential of your truck accident or any other case. Schedule your free consultation now or call us at (305) 774-9790. We also offer virtual and phone consultations.

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