Probation violations

Probation Violation Attorney in Miami


Violating probation, community control, house arrest or other form of legal restraint is easier than most can imagine. I remember years ago having client-after-client refer to probation as “paper”. I would instead correct them and tell them that probation is more perilous than mere “paper”. Rather, I would describe probation to them as akin to a fishing “hook”.

Because every fisherman sooner or later gets nicked or cut by a hook. For instance, if you missed an appointment to meet with your probation officer, are late on paying any obligation owed (ex. your monthly cost of supervision) no matter how minimal or fail to strictly meet any other obligation on your part, then you can very well expect to find your probation officer arriving at your home accompanied by uniform police officers to take you to jail.

You will be charged with violation of probation, community control or whatever the case might be. This is a separate legal matter from the underlying criminal offense which ended-up getting you on probation, community control or house arrest.

You can also expect to have the potential for a “no bond” recommendation, which means you will have to sit in jail until the new violation matter is dealt with in full. There is no right to a jury trial when it comes to a violation of probation, community control or other similar restraint. It will be the judge determining whether or not by a “preponderance of the evidence” you might have violated probation, community control or the like.

These cases are difficult. The stakes are just too high. You need an experienced attorney like us fighting for you.

We go to you, if you cannot come to us! Call Us Today For A Free Consultation!
(305) 774-9790


Lets’s discuss the potential of your truck accident or any other case. Schedule your free consultation now or call us at (305) 774-9790. We also offer virtual and phone consultations.

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